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Writer's pictureMadison Jasperson

Show Me What You're Made Of: Understanding Weight vs. Body Composition

Updated: Jun 12, 2023

In our pursuit of health and wellness, it's easy to get caught up in the numbers game, particularly the number on the scale. However, it's crucial to approach our well-being with a holistic perspective. That means understanding the difference between weight and body composition and recognizing that our bodies are unique and complex. Let's explore the distinction between weight and body composition, empowering you to develop a more loving and informed relationship with your body.

Weight: Just a Number

Weight is often seen as a measure of our worth or morality, but it's important to remember that it's just a number reflecting the force of gravity on our bodies. Our weight encompasses various elements, including bones, muscles, organs, and fluids. However, this number alone cannot provide a complete understanding of our overall health.

Weight fails to distinguish between muscle and fat mass. Muscle is denser than fat, so individuals with a lot of muscle tend to weigh more than is "ideal". Conversely, individuals with less muscle and higher body fat may weigh less but still face health risks associated with excess fat accumulation.

Body composition is essentially what your body is made up of. It goes beyond weight and focuses on the distribution of muscle, fat, bones, and other tissues in our bodies. It offers a more comprehensive way to assess our health and well-being.

Here's an example of why body composition matters:

I weigh more in the picture on the right than I do on the left. Madison on the right never exercised and ate really poorly. While I still love that girl on the right, I didn't feel my best. Madison on the right feels confident, strong, and able to do whatever she is called to do.

Components of Body Composition:

  1. Fat Mass: Understanding body composition allows us to gauge the proportion of fat mass in our bodies. Excessive fat accumulation, particularly around vital organs, can increase the risk of various health conditions, such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and certain cancers.

  2. Lean Body Mass: Body composition analysis sheds light on our lean body mass, which includes everything other than fat composites- muscles, bones, organs, and water. Having a healthy amount of lean body mass contributes to strength, mobility, and overall physical fitness.

  3. Body Fat Percentage: Body composition assessment enables us to calculate our body fat percentage, or the proportions of fat mass to lean mass within the body. This metric provides a more nuanced understanding of our body composition and overall health status.

A Whole-Body Approach

In understanding our body composition you can be freed as a slave to a scale and focus more on how you feel and what you can do. You can also narrow your approach to health and fitness to meet your goals more effectively and efficiently. Focusing on losing fat and maintaining muscle requires a different regiment than losing weight. Additionally, a host of diseases become more manageable or even preventable when you take care to reduce fat mass and increase lean mass. It becomes so much easier to look and feel the way you want to when you get the bigger picture of what's going on inside.

By fully comprehending the difference between weight and body composition, we can move away from an "ideal number" and appreciate our bodies for their complexity and ability. Remember, your worth extends far beyond a number on the scale! Embrace the power of understanding body composition to develop a more compassionate and informed relationship with yourself, nurturing a path towards holistic health and self-acceptance.

If you're looking to understand this concept further and take steps to improve YOUR body composition, check out my Fat Loss 101 course that starts on June 19. This 12-week, community-based program will help you look and feel better, inside and out. :)

Thanks for reading and remember- life is better healthy. :)


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