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Writer's pictureMadison Jasperson

Going the Distance: 5 Ways Running Can Change Your Life

When I was 19 years old I started running to impress a very cute Marine. It was NOT pretty at first- lots of stops, red face, heaving as I tried to finish just half a mile. This was my introduction to the awe-inspiring world of running—a magical realm where sweat, endorphins, and boundless optimism converge. Over the last 10+ years I’ve spent countless hours pounding pavement, training for my next goal or race. So I’d love to share with you how this simple act can transform your life, unleashing the unstoppable force within you. Let's lace up and embrace the transformative power of running.

Conquer the Mental Marathon:

In 2018 my darling Marine was deployed for 8 months and 26 days. At the time my son was 2 and my daughter was just 5 months old. I wasn’t near family and was struggling with depression. It was a rough year. My saving grace was running with both kids loaded up in the double stroller, running circles around the base we lived on. I trained for a half-marathon that year and finished my race under my goal time. It was setting and achieving goals, pushing through physical discomfort that prepared me to conquer the emotional marathon of that deployment.

woman with two kids at half marathon finish line

Life can throw us some crazy curveballs, leaving us feeling overwhelmed and drained. But running can be your secret weapon against the mental marathon of life. With every stride, you release endorphins that ignite an explosion of positivity within you. Say goodbye to stress, anxiety, and the blues as running burns cortisol in the body. The mental release of tapping into a rhythmic stride brings clarity, renewed energy, and a contagious sense of achievement that permeates every aspect of your life.

(Here I am with my babies at the finish line of my first ever half-marathon!)

Unleash Your Limitless Potential:

From day one I doubted my abilities in running. I didn’t grow up running- never joined cross country or ran track. So how could I possibly be capable of running a 5k, 10k, or half-marathon? But as I followed a training plan, my gains began to compound and I realized I was running further than I ever thought possible, and that translated to achievements in other aspects of my life, too. I learned that small, consistent efforts added up to big changes.

Mom with baby after running race

Prepare to be amazed by the superwoman (or superman) you truly are. Running isn't just about the physical gains; it's an empowering journey of self-discovery. As you push through those miles, you'll uncover untapped reserves of strength, resilience, and determination you never knew you possessed. With each step, your belief in yourself blossoms, reminding you that you're capable of achieving anything you set your mind to.

(On the right- red faced and sweaty after my first ever 5k!)

Radiate Self-Love and Body Confidence:

Before I started running, I often felt awkward and insecure in my skin. I didn’t love the way I felt or looked, and my coordination was pretty limited since I didn’t practice moving my body in new ways. The process was less about weight loss for me and more about admiring the things my body could do once I was taking care of it.

In a world bombarded by unrealistic beauty standards, running is your secret potion of self-love. As you run, your body becomes a marvel of strength and grace. Embrace the sweat and the imperfections because they're a testament to your incredible journey. Running shifts the focus from appearance to appreciation—celebrating what your body can do rather than how it looks. It's a victory of your uniqueness and a powerful path to body confidence.

Confident runner

Embrace the Joyful Tribe:

Running may seem like a solo endeavor, but it's also a gateway to a vibrant and supportive community. I refused to run with anyone else when I was getting started because I was embarrassed of my pace and how many breaks I’d need. A shift happened for me when I found an online community of “mother runners” who shared their experiences in running and balancing family life. Eventually I gained the courage to run with friends and found the miles passed so much faster with someone to talk to!

two women at finish line of half-marathon

Today I enjoy both solo and partner running, but am so grateful to call myself a “runner”. Identifying as such helped me discover a tribe of incredible people who cheer you on, share laughter, and lift you up when the going gets tough. Whether you join a local running group, run with your neighbor, or connect with like-minded individuals online, you'll find a network of kindred spirits. Together, you'll share stories, inspire one another, and forge lifelong friendships.

(Right- my college running buddy and I reunited for a half-marathon!)

Dream, Achieve, Repeat:

As an amateur runner and insecure young adult, setting and achieving goals taught me so much about the “real world”. I learned it’s okay to set a B.H.A.G. (big, hairy, audacious goal) and go all in, one day at a time. I learned to trust the process and have patience along the way. And I definitely learned to embrace the gift of grace when I make a mistake or fall off the wagon.

Running is an enchanting realm where dreams become goals and goals become reality. Set your sights on that first 5K, conquer a marathon, or aim for a personal record—it's all within your grasp. The beauty lies not only in achieving those milestones but in the journey itself. Along the way, you'll stumble, laugh, and learn. Embrace this process, becuase every setback becomes a lesson and every achievement fuels your belief in what's possible. Dream big, celebrate every step, and let the runner’s high guide you to extraordinary heights.

pregnant woman at finish line of race

(Running the Disneyland Monsters Inc. 10k at 32 weeks pregnant-

lots of walking on this one!)

Some people hate running, and I can understand their perspective- we all have our “thing”. But, for me, running offers a clarity I haven’t found anywhere else in the fitness world. With each stride, you unlock the unbreakable spirit within you, conquer mental hurdles, radiate self-love, find a tribe of supporters, and turn dreams into reality. So, lace up and embrace the joyous rhythm of the run. Get ready to uncover the unstoppable force that resides within you and embark on a journey that will redefine what you believe is possible.

Embrace the challenge, embrace every mile, and embrace the remarkable person you are becoming.


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