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Writer's pictureMadison Jasperson

10 Tips For Healthier Eating: Meal Prep for Busy Moms

Life in the fast lane with a family can be a wild ride, and it feels like there's never a moment to spare. Between the diaper changes, school runs, and endless laundry, the last thing we want to think about is what's for dinner. But guess what? Meal prep can be your secret weapon in the battle for sanity and well-being. In this guide, we're diving into some down-to-earth meal prep tips that even the busiest moms can conquer. With a little planning and a sprinkle of creativity, you can master the art of meal prep and make more nutritious eating not just a dream but a reality for your entire family.

Why Meal Prep Matters for Your Fitness Goals

When you're on a fitness journey, nourishing your body with the right foods is crucial. Meal prepping puts you in control of your nutrition. You can plan balanced meals that support your fitness goals, ensuring you get the right mix of protein, carbs, and veggies. Plus, it helps you dodge those last-minute, not-so-healthy choices that can throw your progress off track. So, whether you're aiming to shed a few post-pregnancy pounds or simply stay fit and energized to keep up with your kiddos, meal prep is your sidekick in the journey to a healthier you.

10 Meal Prep Hacks for Busy Moms

1. Plan Ahead

Start your meal prep journey by setting aside dedicated planning time. Even a mere 15-20 minutes on a Sunday afternoon can save you hours during the week. Create a meal plan for the upcoming days, including breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks. Consider your family's dietary preferences and any dietary restrictions when making your plan.

I use a calendar like this one to help me plan out my week. When I have a loose plan to follow, I'm not swinging to Drive-Thrus or reaching for pre-packaged snacks as often.

Weekly Food Planner

Download it for free and give it a try!

2. Keep it Simple

As a busy mom, your goal is to make meals that are both healthy and easy to prepare. Opt for recipes with minimal ingredients and straightforward instructions. One-pot dishes, sheet pan meals, and slow cooker recipes are lifesavers. Focus on staples like lean proteins, whole grains, and plenty of fruits and vegetables. offers a realistic and comprehensive view of what an average plate should look like. Here is the most recent guidance- great for planning all components of a meal! dietary recommendations

3. Batch Cooking

Embrace the magic of batch cooking. When you have some free time, cook in larger quantities and freeze some for later. Soups, stews, and casseroles are excellent candidates for batch cooking. This ensures that you always have homemade, ready-to-eat meals on hand for those hectic days.

4. Involve the Kids

Getting your children involved in meal prep not only eases your workload but also teaches them valuable cooking skills. Let them wash vegetables, stir ingredients, or assemble their own lunches. This fosters a sense of responsibility and might even encourage them to explore new foods.

5. Invest in Time-Saving Tools

Consider investing in kitchen gadgets that can streamline the meal prep process. A food processor, slow cooker, or Instant Pot can significantly reduce your hands-on cooking time. Additionally, pre-cut and frozen vegetables can be real time-savers.

My absolute favorite kitchen gadget is the Instant Pot. I use it for dump and go meals on busy days, to make my own chicken/vegetable broth, and to get perfect rice with zero supervision required. If you don't have one, you are missing out!

Instant Pot

6. Make Snacks Accessible

Keep a selection of healthy snacks readily available. Pre-cut fruits and vegetables, yogurt, cheese, and nuts can be stored in portion-sized containers in the refrigerator. This way, when hunger strikes, you and your family can reach for nutritious options instead of grabbing less healthy alternatives. I also have a basket of snacks that are always free game to the kids.

7. Embrace Leftovers

Don't underestimate the power of leftovers. When cooking dinner, prepare extra servings to be enjoyed for lunch the next day. This not only reduces waste but also saves you from having to prepare an entirely new meal.

8. Schedule "Prep Days"

Set aside specific days for meal prep, such as Sundays and Wednesdays. During these designated times, focus solely on preparing meals and snacks for the upcoming days. Having a routine can help you stay organized and efficient.

One of my favorite techniques to use is a designated "wash, peel, cut" session. After grocery shopping I take all my fruits and veggies and get them ready to eat- washing veggies, cutting off extras, and peeling skins. I'll even pre-chop things like pepper, apples, and oranges. Basically, I turn all my produce into grab and go snacks! By spending these extra 30 minutes in the kitchen, I am SO much more likely to eat healthier and I always feel better at the end of the week.

I'll also do things like pre-cook chicken or make sauces ahead of time. Having a good chunk of your cooking done ahead of time means a better chance of you actually cooking your planned meal later in the week.

9. Stay Organized

Invest in quality food storage containers and label them with dates to ensure freshness. Keep your pantry and fridge well-organized so you can quickly locate ingredients and prevent food from spoiling.

10. Don't Expect Perfection

There will be days you stop at McDonald's in between activities or eat frozen corn dogs for dinner. Don't beat yourself up over these things! Just remember that these are "sometimes" foods- totally okay to indulge in sometimes, but not a regular staple of our diets. If you're feeling overwhelmed with all the regular prep and planning, it's okay to lean on convenient, healthy store-bought options occasionally or enlist the help of meal delivery services. There's no award for making everything from scratch. After all, we're all just doing our best. Take the help where you can and keep moving forward.

Meal Prep Hero

There you have it, superhero moms! Meal prep isn't just a culinary craze; it's a life-saver for eating better in the whirlwind of motherhood. With these practical tips, you can conquer meal prep like a pro, ensuring your family enjoys healthy, homemade meals even on your busiest days. Remember, it's not about being perfect; it's about making life a little easier and more nourishing. So, embrace meal prep as your trusty sidekick, helping you tackle the daily chaos and stay on track with your fitness goals. You've got this!


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